Stress, too much coffee or energy drinks, boredom, and even lack of exercise can cause poor memory and lack of concentration. Even if you are absorbed in a project, external disturbances can interrupt your train of thought. You may try to get back to your task, but find that the intrusion threw you off balance, making it difficult to concentrate.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Staying focused is often difficult when under a great deal of stress. Learning to improve your concentration and memory may be as easy as getting into the habit of bringing your mind back to your current project instead of allowing it to wander. Techniques like meditation or yoga can help quiet a restless mind, and improve memory and concentration. Relaxing can be as simple as sitting quietly for a few moments each day or listening to soothing music while letting your thoughts flow wherever they wish. This may sound counter-productive since you’d like to improve memory and concentration, but this method can work since you’re giving your mind permission to drift and daydream for awhile. Taking time out to de-stress may be all it takes to help you concentrate better.

Exercise and Deep Breathing

A quick and easy way to calm a racing mind and improve concentration is to practice deep breathing exercises. Whenever you feel unfocused, stop whatever you’re doing, close your eyes, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of five, hold for a count of five, then release your breath slowly through your mouth as you count to ten. (Imagine blowing on a spoonful of hot soup as you blow out.) Repeat this exercise three to ten times until you feel more relaxed and focused. Also, exercising for just 20 minutes a day, whether a walk around the block or time spent on a bike or treadmill, releases endorphins—chemicals in the brain that can boost your mood and clear your mind.

Caffeine and Anxiety

Drinking too many caffeine-laden coffee or energy drinks may be the reason behind poor concentration in some people. If you reach for a double shot of espresso every time your energy wanes, your mind will soon protest by refusing to focus. Caffeine has many side effects such as causing fuzzy thinking, anxiety, adrenal exhaustion, and even fatigue once the coffee or energy drink wears off. Try to limit yourself to two cups of coffee per day. Better yet, replace caffeine drinks with herbal teas or water.

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